
i am a student of traditional eastern medicine & i share my knowledge, experience & passions.

i had a rare cancer called desmoplastic small round cell tumor (dsrct) in 2017 and decided to dedicate my life to traditional eastern medicine to heal my body and help anyone else who wants to heal their own body too.

masters of science in traditional eastern medicine graduate

0 Days
9 Hours
59 Minutes
59 Seconds

more details about mason

is your cancer still active?

No, I’ve been N.E.D. (No evidence of disease) since 2018 after my surgery.

what did you do for your treatments?

I did a lot (and then some)

To name off the bulk of it all, I did the following:

1. Chemotherapy: In Santa Monica, CA by the Cancer Center of Southern California, under Dr. Chawla's prescription, I had the “Red Death” trial version of Doxorubicin, called "Al-Doxorubicin,"  from June 2017 - December 2017 (7 months). Two Week cycles of 24/7 infusions via a portable pump and bag of chemo taken with me to sleep, the shower, everywhere and anywhere. And then two weeks off to recover. I would usually require Red Blood Cell Transfusions after each cycle to supplement my body’s lack of adequate blood supply due to the chemo’s harsh effects.

2. Surgery: At MD Anderson Hospital in Houston, TX. I had a bulk debunking surgery of 177 tumors removed with two main ones being about 15 cm in diameter each (prior to chemotherapy), that shrunk to 1/2 of their sizes after 7 months of chemotherapy. Dr. Andrea Hayes Jordan of MD Anderson / North Carolina Children’s Hospital Chapel Hill was my surgeon and worked for about 10-12 hours on me until her job was complete.

3. HIPEC: Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy directly after the debulking surgery and before they sewed my body back together. This is heated chemotherapy drugs that are applied directly inside the abdomen to eliminate any remaining cancerous cells on a microscopic level. Basically, it's a chemotherapy hot wash/bath within the abdomen.

4. Radiation:  Whole Abdominal Radiation (WAR) for 20 rounds over the course of 1 month at MD Anderson Hospital in Houston, TX

5. Chemotherapy again in Santa Monica, CA by the Cancer Center of Southern California, under Dr. Chawla's prescription, but a lower maintenance protocol of drugs that were continued until 2020.

who were your doctors?

Internal Medicine (Primary) Doctor:
Dr. Amornchit Srikureja, MD of Santa Monica, CA

Oncology Specialist Doctor:
Dr. Sant P. Chawla, MD of Santa Monica, CA

DSRCT Surgeon Specialist Doctor:
Dr. Andrea Hayes Jordan, MD of MD Anderson and North Carolina Children’s Hospital, Chapel Hill

did you receive any side-effects?

So many, but the main ones were…

1. Used to be addicted to opioids
2. Used to be severely depressed due to the circumstances
3. Used to have a lot of Autoimmune Disorders that caused my digestive track to stop working

what kind of treatments did you do to heal your body from your cancer treatments?

1. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
2. Carnivore Diet
3. Acupuncture
4. Tai Chi and Qigong
5. Chinese Philosophy

what was your background prior to getting cancer?

I was a normal student-athlete growing up. My sport was wrestling but during my free time, I was more artistic and enjoyed playing music, dancing, and drawing. I got a scholarship in wrestling for college, graduated with an aeronautics degree with 3 minors in business, meteorology, and aviation safety. following that, i got a masters degree in safety science. I was a work-a-holic and partied a lot with minimal sleep while believing that I would live forever and consequently exhausted my body to the point of becoming sick with a very rare cancer.

what do you do now?

currently,  I am pursuing a Masters Degree in Traditional Eastern Medicine at Wongu University and am working as a barback in las vegas but my goal is to be a bartender to help support my life and passions - 9/8/23 mason

additionally, I am creating multimedia content about the traditional eastern techniques and skills that I've accumulated up to now and have gained a lot of followers in the process.

on my free time, i meditate, read philosophy, watch anime, practice guitar, draw/paint, and occasionally go out to bars or live music shows.

do you have any words of advice?

Push your limitations, and do absolutely everything you possibly can.

Stay positive, smile, joke and laugh it all off because you'll surpass your wildest expectations.

It makes it a lot harder to accomplish your dreams and goals when you are depressed and negative and stops you from giving yourself a real chance at achieving.

Just keep moving forward and expect times to get difficult and roadblocks to appear...but just keep moving forward. 

my history



Las Vegas, NV with 2 parents who are still together (Dad is Filipino/Spanish & Mom is European/Caucasian) and 2 older brothers that were 2 years apart in age for each of us.

graduated high school


Was an average B+ student who hung out with the party crowd, but was somewhat behaved overall. 

graduated undergrad


Wrestled all through college and attained an Aeronautics Degree to fly Helicopters & 3 Minor in Business, Weather and Safety. Partied a lot but was still a B+ student.

graduated masters

2017 (May 5th)

Attained a Masters of Science in Safety Science in order to investigate air-crash accidents or to protect workers in general industry occupational work.

diagnosed with cancer

 2017 (May 26th)

I was so shocked and in disbelief but knew that I still had a small percentage of beating this thing and that's all that mattered to me.

began the "red death" chemotherapy

2017 (June)

Started my 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off chemotherapy regiment of the Al-Doxirubincin Red Death Chemotherapy. Finished the chemotherapy in December 2017 (7 months later).

surgery & HIPEC

2018 (January)

177 Tumors removed with 2 main ones being 15cm at first but following all of the chemo, became 7cm in diameter.

During the surgery was the hot chemotherapy abdominal bath, HIPEC procedure.

whole abdominal radiation (WAR)

2018 (February)

20 rounds of radiation  at MD Anderson, Monday - Friday for 1 month.

2nd phase of chemotherapy

2018 (March)

Low maintenance chemotherapy was introduced and maintained until January 2020

the beginning of the rest of my life

2019 (February)

This is when I started getting my strength back and got my own dog (Babe), and found my first Acupuncturist at Koyama Acupuncture in Venice Beach, HBOT clinic at UCLA, and Tai Chi Master, Master Zi of Dharma Health Institute.

masters of traditional eastern medicine degree

2019 (August)

I decided that it was time for me to pursue my new passion, which was Traditional Eastern Medicine.

social/multi-media training

2019 (September)

As I started my new education, I realized that it’d be fun and beneficial for me to share what I was learning with everyone on social media. Although, I was terrible with the camera/editing and terrible with being in front of the camera, and so I set forth on training professionally with various coaches in various mediums in order to get my education produced in a more easily digestible format for everyone to enjoy.

carnivore diet

2020 (January)

I started the Carnivore Diet and was soon realizing that this was the key to healing my intestines and getting my entire body back to normal and in shape.

moved back to vegas

2022 (March)

I was living in California from 2017 - 2022 for my cancer treatments and then for my masters in eastern medicine but decided that I want to spend more time with my family moved back to my home city, Las Vegas, NV. 

social media famous

2022 (May)

My instagram became very popular due to me sharing a lot of positive messages about affirmations and then acupuncture points and my followers jumped from 2,000 - 200,000 within just a few months during this time. My tiktok and youtube became more successful due to the shared progress from my instagram.

took a break

2022 (November)

I realized that I haven't given myself a vacation in longer than I can remember and took my first trip by myself, and it was to Japan and I traveled all across the country for 2 months.

i feel zen

2023 (January)

After spending about 2 months in Japan and almost half of that time training at a Zen Temple, I am now clear of all distractions of past.

I feel motivated and have a clear purpose in life with my goals and objectives simplified to the point where I can focus and achieve what I want while being happy and content with life and whatever problems or issues that come my way.

I have achieved a new mental toughness and clarity that I now know what my priorities and goals are and of how to be stable in my path to accomplish them.

i feel strong

2024 (February)

currently i am a barback and bartender occasionally while having only 1.25 years left of acupuncture school left. I party a lot more now but still maintain a healthy diet and meditation schedule to keep me balanced. currently i am feeling more sociable and want to make memories with my friends and loved ones.